"Howdy folks! I would like to personally introduce myself to you and welcome you to my website. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me. I look forward to hearing from you. Have a great day!" -Sandy
_Whether you are in need of horse training services or riding lessons, Sandy is here to help. She has many years of experience riding and competing many disciplines of Western, English, Endurance, and Driving Horses. Horses and riders learn through positive experiences that make your time in the saddle what it should be... Enjoyable! Sandy takes pride in her reputation. She is professional, reliable, and honest. Contact her if you are in need of horse training services, help to improve your riding, or are looking for a quality horse to buy.
"I must not forget to thank the difficult horses, who made my life miserable, but who were better teachers than the well-behaved school horses who raised no problems." Alois Podhaisky
"I must not forget to thank the difficult horses, who made my life miserable, but who were better teachers than the well-behaved school horses who raised no problems." Alois Podhaisky